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Finding joy in moving

This weekend I have the supreme pleasure of moving!

Actually, though that was meant to be sarcastic, it has been a very joyful time, as the entire purpose of moving reminds me that I’m just that much closer to reaching Deaf lives in Honduras. I’m moving from an apartment in the center of Baltimore city (a 15 min walk to the Ravens stadium) to the home of a sweet couple in my church, 30 min away. The main purpose is to save (a lot of)

money by decreasing my rent dramatically; to have a home base for deputation (why pay city rent if I’ll be away visiting churches half the time?); and to live 15 minutes away from church (instead of 45min). The couple I’m moving in with have an extra “in-law” bedroom/bathroom that will meet my needs perfectly, and it’s truly a blessing to live with this couple who have already become a second family to me.

That alone would make the move a very positive experience, but God threw in some extras…Being from the country, I’m looking forward to having a yard again, to seeing the stars at night, and to enjoying a walk or run, without having to be constantly aware of where my pepper spray is, or where the “good areas” are.

My brother drove into town to help me move. I have really enjoyed catching up with him, and hearing how God continues to move in His life as he works as an assistant pastor in Frederick. Hardly 18 months younger, we’ve grown up best friends, and I love having an excuse to call him, or invite him over… even if it involves moving boxes together!

The city has been a very good learning experience for me these past 4 1/2 years. Here I learned how to live without a car, worked my first full time RN position, lived solo for the first time, began attending a new church, began attending a new university, and was introduced to the Deaf world. I smile when I think of how God has stretched me, challenged me, molded me, and grown me in this city – altogether outside my comfort zone! – but I look forward to this new chapter in my life with anticipation; and no regrets. Thank you for praying me through this new transition towards full time deputation!

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