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A Year in Review

ASL version:

It's hard to believe I've been on deputation for exactly a year as of last week, and what a wonderful year it has been. I'm currently receiving 85% of the monthly funds that I need, so deputation will be wrapping up shortly!

I've presented my ministry plans in 54 churches, including 3 Spanish-speaking churches and 3 Deaf churches (but not including plenty of presentations in Deaf ministries within churches). Those presentations have been in 11 states, and put an extra 19 thousand miles on my car. (Picture: presenting my ministry in a church in New York state.) (Curious about what I'm doing?)

God has provided me the opportunity to personally lead 12 people to Christ during this time, 4 of those being Deaf people, 2 Spanish-speaking.

Over this past year I have met many incredible people, been challenged by many excellent messages (preaching), and learned volumes along the way. Though deputation is usually seen as a "necessary evil," I honestly wouldn't trade this experience for the world, as I believe it has prepared me, in multiple dimensions, for what I plan to do in Honduras. Even my plans on how to reach the Deaf and build a Deaf ministry under the leadership of Team Honduras have been established, challenged, tweaked, and fine-tuned. I feel my ASL has improved significantly since starting out (watch my blog videos and decide for yourself!), and my daily devotions with my Spanish Bible have helped me maintain and expand my Spanish vocabulary. (Picture: presenting at a church in Pennsylvania)

I so appreciate your prayers for me as I anticipate the upcoming transition from deputation to full-time missions in Honduras. At this point the plan is to move to Honduras in January. Though there will always be difficult good-bye's with any major move, God has so clearly led me in this path that I have peace and complete assurance that these are His plans, not mine. What a joy to walk with my Savior!

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