Merry Christmas! It's been a blessing to move into my parent's home this week to spend my last few days in the U.S. This includes Christmas, New Year's, and my brother's wedding - with my family. It has been a welcomed respite between the busyness of deputation, and that of moving to a new country. I leave for Honduras January 24th!
Several of you have asked about how my family is doing, and what they are all up to these days:

My brother Matthew (right), 25, has been working as both a school bus driver for Frederick county, MD, and an assistant pastor at Ambassador Baptist Church. He and Rizel (pronounced: ri-ZEL) will be getting married in January. (Rizel will be arriving from the Philippines in early January.)

Andrew (left), 22, graduated in May, 2015 with a Bachelors in Business, while working part-time as a soccer referee (see pic). In addition to refereeing, he has now been hired to a full time management trainee position in 84 Lumber. He enjoys teaching a 6th grade Sunday School class and playing the piano and guitar for the Spanish ministry at his church.

Joel (right), 21, plans to graduate college in May, 2017 with a Bachelors in International Business. He went on a 10-day trip to Israel last May, where he studied religious and political relations between Israel and the US. He has recently been accepted to serve in a leadership role in future Israel trips for college students. He also co-teaches a children's Sunday School class at church. (pic: Joel in front of the Mediterranean Sea)

Kenny (left), 19, is beginning his senior year of college, majoring in Information Systems Management, and is working in the kitchen for a local retirement center (along with Joel). He currently plays the violin in his church’s orchestra, and assists in the church’s Spanish ministry. He plans to expand his violin playing next summer in a local community orchestra.

Mark (right), 13, plays the piano for weekly services in 2 local nursing homes, and preaches at a different nursing home once a month. He has a small business selling his homemade bread and local honey. He also helps out in a Sunday School class with Kenny and Joel. (Pic: Mark and me at a 5k race last Thanksgiving.)

My father has worked as a sales executive, selling paper forms for almost 30 years, and my mom has maintained a very full schedule as our homeschool teacher for almost 24 years. My parents (left) and brothers have been very supportive of my plans to move to Honduras in January, and the oldest 4 brothers have already visited Honduras to see where I will be living and working (see my blog, "Honduras Missions Trip"). I truly appreciate your interest and prayers for these special people in my life.
Looking forward to what God has for all of us in the future!