1 min read
Join me on the road
​These past two weeks have included a lot of travelling, but travelling usually means meeting new people... which I always welcome. The...

2 min read
(I'm going to try and post my blogs in ASL - above - to allow ASL users to keep up with me as well. ...Spanish blogs coming soon!) This...

1 min read
In my Bible study the last 3 days, I've found a recurring theme, "Doors." Whether it was: David asking God to "keep the door of my lips,"...

1 min read
Busy, busy...
Wow... time is flying. I'm still working 1 day or less every week as an ICU nurse, as well as studying for the National Interpreter...

2 min read
Deputation #ithasbegun
Wow, time has flown. I apologize for the silence... but it has not been for lack of subject-matter! Exactly four weeks ago I officially...

2 min read
Mission Accomplished
Our team of 104 medical professionals and non-medical volunteers arrived back late this past Saturday from a very successful trip in the...

2 min read
Headed for the DR!
Thank you for your prayers as I join a large group of medical and non-medical volunteers on a medical missions trip to the Dominican...

3 min read
Better than Chocolate Ice Cream
This past week has been busy as I finish up graphics, deal with small electronic glitches with my new website, and work on a DVD to...

2 min read
A Whirlwind of a Week
VBS (Vacation Bible School) was a great challenge as I kept 16-18 kids in line for 3 hours every morning. It was worth it, too, as 3 of...

2 min read
Finding joy in moving
This weekend I have the supreme pleasure of moving! Actually, though that was meant to be sarcastic, it has been a very joyful time, as...